Over a year and a half ago, around winter of 2020 while driving in my truck a simple phrase popped into my head. I suppose I should inform you I am a singer/songwriter/musician, amateur on all accounts but I enjoy it. Anyway, yeah the thought it was " like a lost child down a rabbit hole". Then a melody came into being. then it became an obsession. I finished the song and realised it was like the beginning of a story but it had no end. That would not do. I wanted to know how things worked out. sooooo I wrote another song and then another. this wasn't bad but still not enough so I started adding some written narrative to it. well seems I now have an obsession to fill all the voids. not entirely sure where this will go but here on this page I will develop my project. wanna come along for the ride?

Alice has returned from her adventure in Wonderland. Upon her arrival, she made the unfortunate mistake of telling absolutely everyone her story. No one believed her, and they placed her in an institution. Of course, they all thought she was quite mad. Medication and regular therapy sessions completely wiped Wonderland from her mind. Although they treat her well enough, she doesn’t enjoy being here. One morning while eating breakfast in the cafeteria, she notices they have left a door ajar and makes her move. Through the door, she dashes and runs as fast as she can toward the Forrest. In her haste, she fails to see the large hole in front of her and tumbles into it. Down the rabbit hole once again.
Alice lands hard, and her world fades to black. When she comes to she lies on top of a hill. Although feeling a bit dizzy she comes to her feet. A crowd is gathering. She is quite confused and does not know how she got here or for that matter where here even is. Her name it seems is about the only thing she can recall.
She sees a tall man wearing a hat approaching her and although he looks a bit familiar she can't place his name. She regains her composer and says "Hello, My name is Alice, Who are......" before she can finish she sees a pair of glowing eyes and a grin appearing in mid-air above the tree branch beside her. Frightened, she runs down the hill and vanishes into the Forrest

Jack was overjoyed to see Alice after such a long time, but he couldn't help but notice something strange about her behavior. Although she looked like Alice, she introduced herself as if she didn't recognize Jack. This was confusing and unsettling for Jack, who didn't know what to make of it. Adding to his worries, Alice appeared frightened by Cheshire, even though she knew that he was not harmful. Jack was left wondering what had happened to Alice during her absence.
Alice soon ran away, leaving Jack and the others wondering where she had gone. Hatter, who was concerned about her disappearance, started searching for her. After some investigation, he discovered that Alice had rented a room at the White Rabbit Inn. Unfortunately, she had already left, and the Rabbit had noticed that she was different from the Alice he remembered. This only added to Jack's confusion and frustration, as he felt like he was drifting further away from the Alice he knew.
Feeling abandoned, Jack thanked the Rabbit and left the inn to continue his search for Alice. He was determined to find her and get to the bottom of what was going on.